Online Whiteboards

Sketchcast is a very versatile site to use with students. It is much like a screencapture service but you can also "sketch" .

Russell Stannard has a full tutorial here. 




Other drawing applications are:


Scribblar.  I highly recommend it for meeting up with students and using its online whiteboard. This link is to our Pro room that is freely available to the public.



Odopod:  They offer a free "whiteboard" for sketching. Very attractive and easy to use. Many colors. Also, see their slideshow of the best drawings made by others around the world.


Scriblink / Dabbleboard and Skrbl   are other new options that you should check out.


Scribble Maps:  this site allows you to use Google Maps and scribble / draw! Very handy and unique.


And don't forget the amazing "Draw My Thing". A real time pictionary game where you participate!