Phonetiks - Pronounciation Plus

Phonetiks is the place your students with any pronunciation problems should go! It shows all the sounds of English in a very important way - by showing how they are articulated, in a clear fashion that students will benefit from. Visit and use either with your whole class or as a link your students can visit to practice with. A big thank you to the linguistics dept. at the Univ. of Iowa!



Students with distinct problems will find the site a wonder. It does two things that are SO crucial to the learner.


1. Shows a face slowly pronouncing.

2. Shows the articulation of the sounds in a clear fashion.


Pronunciation is one area where I do heartily believe in transfer - that we do have difficulties in pronouncing certain English phonemes based on our mother tongue. Students of many L1s will benefit practicing on Phonetiks. I've will also mention that I've spent A LOT of time collecting the best videos and links for pronunciation on the internet. Lots of great material in one handy place for teachers or students. I'm streaming daily pronunciation from youtube's API in HD format. Enjoy, great quality. Here are all of EFL Classroom's pronunciation videos.